I Attained Invincibility In The Real World - C.410 - 259: Actions and Plans Begin

I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

C.410 - 259: Actions and Plans Begin

Chapter 410: Chapter 259: Actions and Plans Begin

Translator: 549690339

Time flies.

Two days later.


During this time, Kyoto still maintained its superficial peace.


Even many middle and low-level Association personnel felt something was wrong.

It seemed like a long time since they had seen the high-level members in the Martial Arts Association.

Not only that.

Even in the Committee Sects, the number of disciples responsible for handling affairs had sharply decreased.

The Martial Arts Association, which used to be bustling with people, is now filled with a repressive atmosphere, making people feel more stressed.

Many people noticed something was wrong.

But they couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was wrong.

It was just intuition that told them that perhaps something significant was about to happen.

At this time.

Martial Arts Association Headquarters.


Xiang Li walked through the pure white corridor.

In two days.

He successfully completed the second stage of nuclear cell absorption and was able to control his body without involuntarily emitting nuclear radiation.

Up to now.

The number of nuclear cells in his body was enough for him to trigger a small-scale nuclear explosion during battles one after another.

His combat power had experienced a terrifying increase.

The only regret was.

After waiting for two days,

He still didn’t get a response from Li Wuji.

This meant that,

The outbreak of conflict was a foregone conclusion.

In that case,

They must fight quickly and decisively.

Neither side wanted to waste more time on infighting.

It was imperative to integrate all their forces as soon as possible and prepare to fight against Heavenly Person in their own way.

That was the right path.

Xiang Li walked steadily, but his speed was not slow at all.

In the blink of an eye,

He had already reached the end of the corridor.

Pushing open the room door,

The ticking sound of machinery echoed in the Pure White Hall.

Xiang Li had already heard this sound countless times in these two days.

“Member Xiang.”


Those who could reach here had to go through multiple checkpoints to verify their identity.

They had already been notified on their end.


The surrounding scientific researchers were not too surprised by the sudden appearance of Xiang Li.

They just nodded silently, greeted him, and started adjusting the instruments in front of them.

Xiang Li didn’t say much.

He stepped forward to the deepest part of the hall.

The skull of the Respected Elder floated quietly inside the cylindrical container.

At the bottom of the container, numerous colored metal tubes extended towards the wall behind the container.

Compared to the pure white surroundings, the area still retained the original appearance of the underground stone wall.

A huge crack, about three or four meters long and a meter wide, lay across the wall.

It emitted light, brightening and dimming at a specific rhythm.

Xiang Li’s eyes narrowed.

Since his last visit here,

The light inside the crack had obviously weakened a lot.

Respected Elder had become stronger once again.

As for how strong he had become,

Xiang Li had no idea.

Because in the past records, humans rarely possessed such high-level Power of Authority.

“You’re here.”

Upon sensing Xiang Li’s arrival,

The Respected Elder in the container slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze fell on Xiang Li.

Admiration flashed in the eyes of the Respected Elder.

“You’ve succeeded.”

He sensed the nuclear radiation from Xiang Li’s body,

He also knew that Xiang Li’s strength had once again skyrocketed.

“How is the research on the medicine?”

The Respected Elder asked.

“We have entered the final testing stage, and the effectiveness has increased by more than double compared to before.”

“As for side effects, it’s very difficult to optimize them further.”

Xiang Li and the Respected Elder had been researching enhancement potions.

Some were designed to temporarily enhance the strength of martial artists with minimal side effects.

Others were designed to awaken the full potential of martial artists, greatly increasing their strength in a short time, but with severe side effects.

The former was intended for elite martial artists to fight the Heavenly Persons.

The latter was intended for ordinary Qi-sensors.

With the combination of the two and the advantage of human numbers, Heavenly Persons would be overwhelmed by sheer force.

This was the plan of Respected Elder and Xiang Li.


They had tried more gentle, sacrifice-free methods.


The more gentle the method, the harder it was to generalize.

If they had enough time, it would have been feasible.

But with the Tide Rising Period approaching, human awakening and the awakening of Heavenly Persons were imminent.

In the short period of less than a year,

It was impossible to massively promote the growth of strong persons.

Relying solely on the high-level members of the Martial Arts Association was like trying to put out a fire with a cup of water.

Sacrificing a few for the sake of the many was the most appropriate method in the Respected Elder’s countless calculations.

“Let’s start the operation then.”

The Respected Elder said indifferently,

“We don’t have much time left.”

“Now that seals in various places are loosening, even though I’ve repeatedly reinforced them, there’s a trend that they won’t be able to withstand the pressure.”

“We must be prepared.”

“The Heavenly Person is about to awaken.”

At this point,

Xiang Li felt a chill in his heart,

And his expression couldn’t help but darken.

“Understood, I will take care of everything.”

“My only concern is Li Wuji.”

As he said this,

The image of Li Wuji, sitting in a wheelchair and barely alive, surfaced in Xiang Li’s mind.

Up until two days ago, when he tried to persuade Li Wuji,

The other party seemed completely unconcerned.

“You should know very well.”

“This old man is so cunning – he never does something without certainty.”

Xiang Li wanted to say Li Wuji was extremely cunning,

But halfway through, he changed his tone.

Strictly speaking, Respected Elder and Li Wuji were essentially the same entity.

Insulting Li Wuji was basically the same as insulting the Respected Elder.

“It’s fine.”

“I have my arrangements.”

Facing Xiang Li’s concerns, the Respected Elder didn’t say much.

At this level, any intrigue or trickery was useless.

