I Attained Invincibility In The Real World - C.411 - 259 – Action and Plan Begins_2

I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

C.411 - 259 – Action and Plan Begins_2

Chapter 411: Chapter 259 – Action and Plan Begins_2

Translator: 549690339

Time is pressing.

The Respected Elder did not plan to engage in any intrigue or play any tricks.

Crushing directly with strength was the fastest way.


Upon hearing this,

Xiang Li did not say much more.

He turned around and left the hall directly.

His steps were steady,

and his speed was not slow at all.

After Xiang Li left.

The eyes of the Respected Elder looked towards a young scientific researcher not far away.

“You come over.”

His voice echoed in the researcher’s mind.

He was puzzled.

After all,

The Respected Elder had never interacted with them before.

He approached the container.

“I’m not sure, Respected Elder––”

The researcher just started speaking.

His voice suddenly stopped.

In the eyes of the Respected Elder, a dazzling divine light swirled, as if stars and rivers were in motion.


“Find out every person under Li Wuji’s command.”

“Whether they are in the Martial Arts Association, in the various major Sects, or within the Holy Sect.”

“I need all their information and control all their actions.”


The dumbfounded expression on the researcher’s face disappeared in an instant.


His facial expression returned to normal and started to go out.


This researcher, dressed in a white lab coat, appeared inside the Martial Arts Association hall.

Most of the people under the Respected Elder’s charge were personally recruited by him and rarely showed up in the Martial Arts Association.


This new face attracted many people’s attention.

Until someone stepped forward to ask.


The moment they came in contact with the researcher.

The face also showed a moment of dullness.

In their mind,

The words of the Respected Elder played back.


Another person fell under the Respected Elder’s control.

Immediately after.

More and more people were controlled.

They came from various major Sects,

or were in charge of various affairs.

After being controlled,

They instinctively started contacting everyone they could reach, controlling their minds in the same manner.

Even some of the stronger Sect disciples were not spared.

A large number of people radiated outward from the center of the Martial Arts Association.

They began to search and report on all the actions of Li Wuji’s side

An hour later.

At the Power Sect.

Xiang Li stood at the top of the building in the park.

Looking at the disciples of the Power Sect who were training below.

They knew nothing about what was about to happen.

This conflict would only occur between the top forces of the Martial Arts Association.

Both sides didn’t want to make a mess.

Neither did they have plans to kill.

The plan of Respected Elder and Xiang Li was simple and crude.

Respected Elder was in charge of grasping the information, controlling the middle and lower level martial artists, making sure that there was no possibility of escape or omission on Li Wuji’s side.

Xiang Li was in charge of gathering manpower.

With the minimum noise and the fastest speed.

Directly subdued all the senior members of Li Wuji’s side.

As the Respected Elder said.

At this level,

Intrigue and deception were far less convenient than absolute strength.


The room door behind him was opened.

A few figures filed in.

A total of nine people.

The youngest of them looked about the same age as Xiang Li.

The oldest had white temples and a large amount of white hair.

But no matter the age.

These people were all sturdy and muscular.

Standing side by side, they gave people a strong shock.

They were the nine strongest people in the entire Power Sect, apart from Xiang Li.

Most of them, moreover, had established the Power Sect with Xiang Li and had struggled till now since the establishment of the Sect.

“Master, we’re ready.”

As the people closest to Xiang Li.

All of Xiang Li’s actions were completed with their support and help.

Today, they’ve been waiting for a long time.


“After today.”

“There won’t be so much miscellaneous noise in the Martial Arts Association.”

“The voice of the Power Sect will be the only one.”

Xiang Li nodded slightly.

His few words

made everyone in the room excited and their eyes filled with enthusiasm.

“I will go to Yihe Gate personally and take care of that old dog Sun Yihe and Li Wuji.”

“As for the other Sects, you’ll take charge personally.”

Xiang Li assigned manpower one by one.


As time trickles away.

The common disciples within each major sect are probably already under the control of the Respected Elder.

These people, the Respected Elder would not kill; at most, they are simply rendered incapable of action.

But the high-level martial artists within these sects.

This kind of remote control ability may not be safe enough.


The elder of the Power Sect is assigned with several strong direct disciples within each sect to work together with the Holy Sect to resolve it.

The strength of the disciples belonging to the Power Sect is higher than that of the disciples from other sects.

Let alone,

The double insurance of the Respected Elder and the Strength Enhancement Potion.

Xiang Li is not worried about any accidents.


People from the Martial Arts Association have been assigned.

What’s left,

Is the Holy Sect.

“The Holy Sect…”

The only two people who haven’t been assigned are.

One of them is the deputy sect master of the Power Sect.

Sun Sheng.

The other person is Sun Cheng, the eldest elder of the Power Sect.

They are twin brothers.

Not only does they have similar facial features, their talents are also exceptionally strong.

They met Xiang Li when they were young and together founded the Power Sect, building it to its present strength.

For these two,

Xiang Li fully trusts them.

At the same time,

They are also the strongest in the Power Sect, besides Xiang Li.

“The whereabouts of the Vermilion Bird of the Holy Sect is still unknown at this point, the Respected Elder will inform me later.”

“As for Xuanwu, he is still remaining in the Holy Sect’s base, he has never left.”

“These two people are both holders of authority.”

“Although their combat power is negligible, their ability to wield authority is variable, their survival skills are also very strong. Therefore, it might be a little difficult to subdue them.”

“So I will need you two to crush them with absolute power.”

“The other two Saints of the Holy Sect will cooperate with you.”

“After you subdue them, immediately return to Kyoto to support the others.”

“Are there any questions?”

Xiang Li looked up at the Sun brothers.

Thump, thump, thump.

Sun Cheng, the younger brother, opened his mouth and thumped his chest.

“Just two pieces of trash.”

“I’ll just punch them each once!”

“Truth be told, I feel it is a waste to have my brother go with me–”


The elder brother Sun Sheng interrupted him directly while he was still talking.

Compared to his younger brother, Sun Sheng obviously seemed more mature.

He looked at Xiang Li with a stern expression.

In their eye contact, it seemed as if they were transmitting some sort of information.

Sun Sheng nodded slightly.

“Sect Master, rest assured.”

“Within two hours, my brother and I will bring the Vermilion Bird and Xuanwu to you.”


Xiang Li nodded.

“In that case.”

“There’s no time to lose, set out immediately.”

He didn’t say anything encouraging or inspiring.

In Xiang Li’s view,

The success of this operation will be an inevitable outcome.

No wishes are needed.

With his set of fists, he will hit each one of Li Wuji’s stubborn fighters and their supporters.


As soon as the sound fell,

Everyone quickly set off.

Only Xiang Li stayed behind.

“I really did not expect it.”

He looked at the tabletop in front of him.

In one folder, all the information about Chen Sheng from childhood to adulthood was there.

Over this period of time,

After investigating, the Respected Elder has already found out all about Chen Sheng’s identity, background, and past experiences.

Upon learning about the series of frictions Chen Sheng had with Zhao Zhenfeng in Quanjiang City,

And the strength he displayed afterwards.

Xiang Li could easily guess who killed his direct disciple, Zhao Zhenfeng.

“Chen Sheng…”

He slowly clenched his fist.

Grinding it with a creaking sound.

In his eyes, the desire to kill was boiling.

Leaving a grudge unresolved.

Is not Xiang Li’s style.

First there was Zhao Zhenfeng.

Then there was Xiang Zilong.

Both of them were good seedlings that Xiang Li nurtured from a young age.

Although they are not related by blood,

They are no different from a father and son.

When adding new hatred to old ones.

If he didn’t have more important things to do earlier,

For Xiang Li, every additional day Chen Sheng lived was a torment.

This time,

He will not let him go.

This is also the reason why,

Only four top masters were dispatched to capture Chen Sheng and the Vermilion Bird.

Xiang Li must ensure absolute success.

He had to make sure the other side died in endless despair and pain.


How could he honor the memory of his disciple?

