Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points - C.275 - 268 Great Victory_i


Chapter 275: Chapter 268 Great Victory_i

Vice City Lord Bai led his vast army in a sudden, rainbow-like assault, swiftly sweeping through the rear of the enemy forces.

Rapidly devouring those of the enemy who were too slow to escape.

All the way, the enemy fled in panic, leaving behind corpse after corpse.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freё

Elder Jiu Yin gradually sensed that something was amiss.

Because those Taiyin Yaoyaos were his life-bound insects, even if someone had captured them, he could still sense their general location through the Insect King.

He discovered that the closer he got to Luoshui Town, the further away he was from the insects.

“Damn it, what’s going on here? My insects were placed by the riverside in Luoshui Town, how did they end up somewhere else? Nie Kun, this fool, what is he doing?”

Elder Jiu Yin was seething with rage inside, both anxious and infuriated.

He had already instructed that in case his disciples were conquered, they should withdraw directly with the eight Taiyin Yaoyaos.

With the capabilities of the eight Taiyin Yaoyaos and the cover of the mist, escaping would be a breeze.

“Run in that direction!”

Elder Jiu Yin immediately adjusted the direction of their escape.

“Elder, that way lies the heartland of the Black Tiger Gang. Without the protection of a large army, it’s very dangerous,” a guard hurriedly warned.

They held the advantage in the escape, with the Shennong Sect’s army behind them, delaying the Black Tiger Gang’s pursuit, providing a prime opportunity for escape.

“Enough nonsense!”

Elder Jiu Yin’s expression was fierce, eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even the Black Tiger he rode could feel his master’s towering rage and killing intent, not daring to disobey.

The Insect Masters and guards of the Nine Insect Gang, in turn, had to follow Elder Jiu Yin’s change of direction, taking a detour towards the territory of the Black Tiger Gang.

The Shennong Sect’s army, however, had fallen into dire straits.

When they fled to Luoshui Town, they were ambushed by Master He Shan’s Insect Master unit; swarms of poisonous insects claimed the lives of many soldiers. After a fierce struggle, they fought their way through to the riverside, by then, more than half of their forces had been lost.

The Marshal of the Shennong Sect cursed Elder Jiu Yin’s ancestors for eighteen generations N-times over.

Once they reached the riverside, they planned to immediately board ships and cross the river.

By then, they would be safe.

However, when they arrived at the riverside, they were dumbfounded.

Where were the boats?

There was not a single warship to be seen.

The river surface was too clean; not a single boat had been left behind.


A scout, who was blazing the trail, staggered towards the commander’s flag.

“There are numerous signs of fire at the riverside, as well as the wreckage of a few burned boats.”

“Those soldiers who can swim, strip off your armor and start swimming across immediately. Brothers who can’t swim, head straight along the river. After 1 cross, I will immediately send boats back to pick you up,” the Marshal of the Shennong Sect commanded, nearly vomiting blood from frustration.

The boats had been burned, the least they could do was to report back!

What he didn’t know was that at that time, the situation was extremely perilous. Elder Jiu Yin’s twelve disciples, some dead, others fled.

Each and every one of them had their courage shattered by Qin Niu.

The fact they had managed to successfully escape back across the river was already a blessing from their ancestors’ protective spirits.

Who would dare to risk their lives to deliver a message to the Shennong Sect’s army?

Needless to say, what followed.

After Master He Shan led the Insect Master battalion to clean up all the insects of the enemy army, he directly stationed in Luoshui Town.

Not even a mosquito could fly past, so how could anyone send a message?

The Shennong Sect’s army had no time to worry about much else; those who could swim immediately shed their armor, threw away their weapons and other items, and plunged into the icy river, swimming towards the opposite bank.

Those who could swim were only a small part; the landlubbers could only flee along the river, waiting for the Marshal to send boats to meet them.

Vice City Lord Bai led his troops to the riverbank, where they joined forces with Master He Shan and quickly made a decision after a brief understanding of the situation: to mercilessly attack the drowning dogs.

The victory had to be expanded.

Two hours later, the battle was completely over, and the likelihood that soldiers from the Shennong Sect made it back was less than one in ten.

The poor landlubbers ultimately failed to wait for the Marshal to send large boats for them.

Constructing a warship takes at least half a month, and even longer for a large ship.

All the boats had been burnt to ashes.

Where would their Marshal find boats now?

Having led his troops to a resounding victory, Vice City Lord Bai was naturally elated and in high spirits.

“Master He Shan, how did Elder Jiu Yin manage to escape? If this man had been killed, it would have dealt a heavy blow to the Nine Insect Gang.”

This battle yielded countless armors, shields, and weapons, and over ten thousand of the enemy troops were killed.

The only disappointing part was that the main enemy and Elder Jiu Yin were not captured.

“We never saw that old scoundrel Jiu Yin coming! We only saw the Shennong Sect’s army escaping back to Luoshui Town. We took the opportunity to command the poisonous insects to bite a large number of the enemy troops, but we never saw a trace of Elder Jiu Yin. Unless Elder Jiu Yin disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and mixed in with the troops to escape, we would have definitely spotted him.”

This puzzled Master He Shan as well.

“It doesn’t make sense! 1 led my forces to closely pursue and attack the enemy from the rear. Elder Jiu Yin led the Insect Masters of the Nine Insect Gang and his guards at the forefront of the army. They should have been the first of the enemy to reach Luoshui Town. How did we not encounter them?”

Vice City Lord Bai’s brow furrowed slightly.

“At that time on the battlefield, Elder Jiu Yin suddenly let out a scream and vomited blood. I guess that his life-bound insect was killed by you.”

“Dear me, that’s not good! Qin Niu is in danger!”

Upon hearing this, Master He Shan slapped his thigh.

“Qin Niu? Are you referring to that young Insect Master?”

“Yes, that’s him. Not to embarrass myself before you, but I led the Insect Master battalion to battle against the twelve disciples of Elder Jiu Yin. Elder Jiu Yin left eight Taiyin Yaoyao to besiege me. If Qin Niu hadn’t stepped in, slaughtering left and right, my Insect Master battalion and I might no longer exist. All eight of Elder Jiu Yin’s Taiyin Yaoyao were taken by Qin Niu. Elder Jiu Yin must have gone after Qin Niu, following their connection.”

Master He Shan seemed very anxious.

Qin Niu had saved his life; this was a great debt of gratitude.

Now that Elder Jiu Yin had not fled to Luoshui Town, it was very possible that he had taken his men to seek out Qin Niu instead.

“For our army to have such a formidable warrior is truly Heaven’s help to the Black Tiger Gang. Without Qin Niu defeating Elder Jiu Yin’s disciples, we couldn’t have burned the enemy ships, and the enemy troops wouldn’t have been annihilated in such numbers. Moreover, without Qin Niu killing Elder Jiu Yin’s life-bound insect, Elder Jiu Yin would not have suddenly retreated to flee. Qin Niu is truly the lucky star of our Black Tiger Gang, and we cannot allow even the slightest mishap to befall him. All soldiers, heed my command: Deputy Marshal Wei Zhongyuan will lead the troops to hold Luoshui Town. I will lead the elite battalion with Master He Shan to rescue Qin Niu.”

Upon learning of Qin Niu’s prowess and how he alone had turned the tide of the entire battle, Vice City Lord Bai knew they had to do everything possible to protect such an exceptional talent.

“Where is Qin Niu’s hometown?”

“Jade Stream Town, Shuangfeng Village!”

“We must rush to Shuangfeng Village at once and cannot let that old scoundrel Jiu Yin succeed.”

Vice City Lord Bai, leading his elite troops, joined forces with Master He Shan’s elite Insect Master battalion and headed to Shuangfeng Village for the rescue. On their way, they quickly discovered some traces left by Elder Jiu Yin leading his troops in their escape.

This made Vice City Lord Bai and Master He Shan even more anxious..

