What It's Like Being a Vampire - C.90 - : Backlash


Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Backlash

Translator: 549690339

Chapter Ninety: Backlash

The way these animals are influenced? It could not be their gaze or body movements; otherwise, those horses and birds that had not seen him would not have been affected.

It couldn’t be scent either, for if it was a change in scent, the influence would not occur so rapidly.

Therefore, Xiang Kun thought it was likely that under the influence of his own emotions, his body had made some changes, thereby releasing a sort of electromagnetic wave that could exert a similar influence on lifeforms with the same physiological structure, an influence that would decrease with distance.

When he previously searched for related information online, he also found content related to animals and magnetic fields.

Excluding those metaphysical articles that were clearly intended to hoodwink and sell bracelets and stones, there was quite a bit of research in this area. After all, magnetic fields, invisible and intangible, were often associated with unexplained psychological and physiological phenomena.

However, current studies do not produce any direct evidence to show that the magnetic fields between living organisms interact or are connected.

If common animals need to declare sovereignty over a specific area, they still rely on sound, scent, or direct visual intimidation.

But there is much evidence to confirm that many animals, such as birds, can sense and use the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation and direction. The mechanism behind this they speculate could be the Cry 4 protein in the eyes.

Even the human brain has this function, only we are not aware of it.

Not long ago, researchers at Caltech specially created a new type of Faraday cage. The researchers could use the current in the cage wires to create a highly uniform controllable magnetic field.

They invited 34 participants to sit in the modified test room and used EEG to record their brainwave activity.

When the researchers changed the magnetic field inside the Faraday cage, the participants did not feel anything noticeable, but their electroencephalograms triggered strong and repeatable brain reactions, indicating that the brain had “noticed” the change in the magnetic field.

However, this only occurs when the experimental magnetic field direction is aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field. The brain does not respond to other magnetic fields inconsistent with the Earth’s magnetic field because these magnetic fields are filtered out by the brain.

The researchers believe that this is a biological mechanism formed by natural selection.

Given that the human brain has this perception ability, other animals are likely to have it too.

After all, the Earth’s magnetic field is one of the most crucial phenomena for the Earth and its creatures. Sensing changes in magnetic fields isn’t unusual for beings born on Earth.

Xiang Kun speculated that when he focused his attention on a particular target, his body would emit a specific electromagnetic wave, interfering with the Earth’s magnetic field information perceived by the target and its species, thereby causing an influence.

Of course, this is just Xiang Kun’s imaginative speculation; there’s no evidence at the moment.

Once he feeds two days later, he plans to buy an affordable magnetic field detector to see if there are magnetic field changes when he influences other creatures.

If the accuracy of the purchased magnetic field detector is not enough, he will look into “borrowing” a more precise device.

Xiang Kun briefly recorded his “intimidation” experiences, summarized a few common patterns, then closed his notebook, and headed to the kitchen.

He grabbed a rabbit he had bought earlier that day, placed it on the kitchen counter, planning to experiment, to fully experience the influence, and had the cameras ready, to record the process so he could view the whole thing from a third -person perspective.

He placed the rabbit cage, along with another cage containing a chicken and a duck, onto the side counter so they too were within the camera’s range as he planned to document their reactions as well.

After the preparations, Xiang Kun looked at the brown rabbit before him and began to replicate the state he had when he confronted the boy with the earring at the communal gate.

He released the rabbit’s ear held in his left hand, but the rabbit didn’t run away. It curled up and didn’t move, nor dared to look at him.

Xiang Kun initially planned to record the process of intimidating the rabbit, which would only take around twenty or thirty seconds.

But once he started, he seemed to become immersed in it and didn’t stop till the rabbit’s body started to stiffen and twitch.

At some point, when the rabbit had stopped moving, Xiang Kun’s right palm suddenly slapped down.

“Bang!” A loud explosion echoed across the room.

The once still rabbit and the entire seasoning platform now lay shattered in pieces. The bottles and jars scattered all around the room, a complete disarray.

Xiang Kun gasped for breath, staring wide-eyed at the scene before him, his right hand twisted unnaturally, a clear sign that his bone was broken.

Sweat soaked his forehead, each droplet trailing down his temple, sliding past his nose and cheeks and finally dripping off.

Ever since his mutation, this was the most he had sweated in over a month.

The stainless steel soup basin came to a swinging halt on the ground. The kitchen then plunged back into silence, only broken by the sound of rabbit blood dripping from the edge of the broken seasoning platform, and Xiang Kun’s heavy panting.

The three rabbits in the cage on the side of the table, as well as a duck and a chicken in another cage, all remained as if turned to stone, not moving or making a sound.

Yet Xiang Kun could clearly hear their heartbeat, pounding like drums.

Xiang Kun closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He then forced himself to suppress the urge to drink the rabbit’s blood, choosing instead to leave the kitchen and close the door behind him.

He went to the bathroom, changed his clothes, and took a quick rinse.

After his shower, his right palm had already healed back to normal.

Dressed in shorts and a tank top, he returned to his bedroom, woke up the laptop screen, planning to watch a movie, but he quickly found himself unable to focus.

It was evident that the experiment had a rebound effect, impacting not just other creatures, but himself as well.

Yesterday, while facing the pierced-eared teenager, he felt a violent urge but felt he had complete control over it. But just now, he had almost lost control.

What was the difference?

Xiang Kun’s first thought was the current time: it was past seven in the evening.

At night, his physical abilities and healing capacity increased. However, it seemed that his violent urges became stronger, affecting other creatures and influencing his own mind and emotions.

Xiang Kun didn’t feel like cleaning up the mess in the kitchen just yet, he needed to control his emotions, needed to relax his physique.

He picked up his phone, intending to play some random songs, and found some unread messages on WeChat.

Upon opening, it was a link sent by Yang Zhen’er, along with a message,

“Nana’s new video, remember to like, favourite, and toss a coin!”

He paused for a moment, clicked on the link to find that it led to a video on Bilibili.

_c t— Off e_

Finally, the novel got signed, it really wasn’t easy… Thanks to all the readers for your support, I had almost thought I would let down over 1700 readers who had invested in this….

Thanks to the readers ‘July Sue’, ‘Qingzpzpzp600’, ‘In the Admiral’, ‘Hypocrite’, ‘Lu Nan’, ‘Yan Chu Yi Ren Ge’ for their generosity.

Today, there will tentatively be only one chapter. Over the next few days, I will sort out the subsequent plot and settings to ensure a wave of updates next week.

I actually did over 10,000 words of outlining before writing this book. Some of the previous ideas turned out to be too aggressive and not suitable anymore, so I can’t use the original outlines anymore.

As for the future developments, I would like to re-emphasize that it will not take the revitalization of spiritual qi route. There will be more than one vampire (or mutants), but there will certainly be very few, and the protagonist won’t encounter them anytime soon. free novelkiss.com

You can basically consider this novel a ‘farming flow’ in the superpower direction..

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